Why choose Profilo° for Veneers?

Porcelain Dental Veneers are a highly personalised form of treatment, with the most important part of the process being to first discuss with us exactly how you wish to improve your teeth and smile.

We work with you throughout the design process and spend the time required to get every detail correct, to ensure we achieve your expectations.

Using a combination of studio photography and 3D Scanning in a process we call 3D Smile Design, we plan the ideal design that best suits your individual facial aesthetics.

A trial set of veneers will be created for you to try to ensure you are satisfied with your new smile. This also gives you the opportunity to make changes to their colour or appearance.

We appreciate that quality treatment with does come at a cost, which is why we offer interest-free payment plans to help give you access to the treatment you’re seeking.

Before & After Porcelain Veneers

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Before & After Porcelain Veneers

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About Porcelain Veneers

Here are the answers to some of the most common questions we get about Porcelain Veneers. If you have any other questions, please feel free to give us a call or send an email.


What are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain Veneers are thin, custom-made shells of tooth-coloured materials, carefully sculpted and bonded to your front teeth. Expertly designed and placed with precision, they can have excellent longevity.

How much do porcelain veneers cost in Australia?

Like anything in life, you get what you pay for. The cost for porcelain veneers will vary from clinic to clinic, and will be higher for practices that emphasise quality, experience, treatment planning, and attention to detail.  

Single veneers are usually more expensive per tooth, due to needing a dental lab that can precisely match the porcelain veneer to the shape, colour and texture of your natural teeth. Dental labs can charge substantially more for colour matching single veneers as the process is considerably more technical and time consuming. 

If you are seeking porcelain veneers for multiple teeth (typically sets of 6, 8 or 10), the cost is generally lower per tooth but obviously more overall because more work is being done. At the end of the day, it always depends on the results that you're after. 

When it comes to your smile, cheaper is definitely not better. Make sure you do your research, ask for a gallery of before and after photos, and make sure there is a thorough evaluation of your teeth with a detailed mock-up and smile design so you know the time has been put into your treatment planning. 

Do I need straight teeth before having Porcelain Veneers?

Veneers can correct minor alignment issues with your teeth, but anything more than this should be corrected with a variety of Cosmetic Braces options beforehand.

Porcelain veneers vs dental crowns?

Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin shells of ceramic that are fitted to the outside surface of your teeth. Although fragile by themselves, once cemented to your teeth they become incredibly strong (and difficult to remove because of the strength of the cement – but that's kind of the point). 

For porcelain veneers to work, they need a strong infrastructure of healthy teeth with a good volume of tooth enamel. If you have teeth that are reasonably broken down, due to decay, wear or fracture, porcelain veneers usually aren't suitable. 

If this applies to you, you are most likely going to benefit more from dental crowns. A dental crown is exceptionally strong and covers the whole surface of a tooth. As well as fixing cosmetic issues with your teeth, they restore the strength of your teeth to stand up to long-term wear and tear. 

Do porcelain veneers hurt?

The process of getting porcelain veneers typically involves little to no discomfort. With the proper treatment planning and smile design, only a small amount of enamel needs to be removed. For many of our patients, we offer no-prep veneers which don't involve removing any tooth enamel at all. 

Sensitivity is very rarely an issue, but it can occur in some people and is typically only mild. You can also have minor gum tenderness from the products used to enhance the scanning process of your teeth. The 3D scan produces a precise model of your teeth on top of which your porcelain veneers are designed. 

Overall, dental treatment with porcelain veneers is a minimally-invasive procedure with little to no discomfort. From the feedback our patients give us after their treatment is complete, the boost to their confidence and self-esteem makes any minor discomfort a distant memory.

What is our Porcelain Veneer process?

We create a 3D model of your design and trial veneers to show what your smile will look like after treatment. Adjustments can be made to their size and shape before your final veneers are ready to be placed.

How do I care for my Porcelain Veneers?

Avoid abrasive whitening toothpastes that may roughen them and cause them to stain. Brush and floss regularly, and keep up with 6-monthly dental check-ups and teeth cleaning with our dentists.

What dental issues can porcelain veneers fix?

Porcelain veneers can fix a wide range of dental issues relating to your teeth. Not only can they improve the aesthetics of your smile, but they can also increase the strength of your teeth and can protect them from long-term wear and tear. 

Porcelain veneers address issues with your smile such as:

  • Minor misalignment or crookedness 

  • Chips and cracks on your teeth 

  • Discolouration that doesn't respond to whitening 

  • Discrepancies in tooth shape 

  • Disproportional tooth size 

Porcelain veneers can correct any and all of these issues at the same time in a three-appointment process.

How long do porcelain veneers last?

The general consensus is that porcelain dental veneers on average last for 10-15 years, the emphasis here is on the word average. Teeth with porcelain veneers need the same care and maintenance as natural teeth, and if you take good care of your teeth your porcelain veneers can last much, much longer. 

This care should include include regular brushing and flossing, as well as scheduling your six-month check-ups and cleans. It's also important to note that anything that can damage a natural tooth can damage a porcelain veneer. For example, if you bite into an olive (and who doesn't like olives!) and your teeth come into contact with the olive stone, you are as likely to chip a natural tooth as you are a porcelain veneer.  

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